Monday, January 25, 2010

Batch Conversion

Solid PDF Tools v6 and Solid Converter PDF v6 include batch conversion and creation palettes that allow you to easily convert multiple PDF documents at the same time, or create a new PDF by combining multiple PDF documents. In addition, Solid PDF Tools v6 allows you to work with multiple PDF files, converting them to PDF/A (for long term archival) and validating their compliance with the ISO 19005-1 specification.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Watermarks communicate context when applied to your PDF documents. Using them can help prevent unwanted distribution or miscommunication between you and your colleagues, or you and your clients.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Is Bigger Always Better?

When you are referring to the size of your hard drive or the dollar amount of your annual bonus, then bigger probably is better, but if you are trying to save space on that hard drive or e-mail a family newsletter with pictures of all the new toys you just bought with your gigantic pay-check, then you probably want to be able to keep the size of your electronic files on the small side.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

OCR For Search

Solid PDF Tools allows you to create and apply a searchable text layer to your scanned documents using OCR (Optical Character Recognition). This OCR layer makes your PDF documents easy to index and archive so that you can quickly find what you need, when you need it.